June 2018 Newsletter – The ‘Scammers’ are Getting Better – Be Wary

By June 26, 2018News

Relative to the tax collection services of other countries, we have to say that Canada’s is among the best: competent, polite, and thorough.  Sometimes (but rarely) they have to get tough with taxpayers over the phone – but that’s only at the collection stage, which thankfully is a stage unknown and unfamiliar to virtually all of our clients.  Our mission is to make sure things never get that far.

It is, of course, quite common to hear about internet and telephone scams.  We’re writing this bulletin to make you aware of a recent increase in the frequency, sophistication, and aggressiveness of these frauds.

Recently, we have had clients volunteer banking and/or credit card information to persons on the phone who claim to be from the Canada Revenue Agency.  Those scammers make the pitch that immediate payment (often in the form of Bitcoin, or some other ‘questionable’ medium) must be made, else ‘serious consequences’ may ensue – maybe even a warrant issued for their arrest !  Sometimes, the scammer has a partner-in-crime whose purpose is to add authenticity to the call (even going so far as to showing differing caller i.d.’s on your telephone).

While the Canada Revenue Agency may annoy or scare some people, they are, in our experience, about as polite as you would expect Canadians (as a rule !) to be.  If someone with a “bad attitude” were to call you claiming to be from the CRA, it’s your right to ask for their i.d., location or section number, and phone number.  Then, verify the call by calling CRA back yourself (but NOT at the number they give you – use a general number for the CRA in your area).

But better still, have us make that call for you.  That usually puts a stop to the whole charade.

The CRA has amassed a big library of examples of the types of false communications that Canadians have been getting.  We think it would be very wise to check them out atwww.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/security/protect-yourself-against-fraud.html

The Lohn Caulder Team

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